It’s been 94 DAYS since we have been able to serve you inside our restaurant.
We are extremely grateful for the support we have received over the last three months, without you, we would not be here.
As a friendly reminder…
We are doing our part to help keep you safe by following CDC guidelines. We ask that if you are sick, been in contact with someone that has been sick, or do not feel safe coming out in public, that you stay home. We believe our guests should take personal responsibility for themselves and their individual situations.
We will be open on the patio and inside by RESERVATION ONLY. There will be a two-hour time limit on all reservations to help us ensure the flow of the restaurant goes smoothly.
When you arrive for your reservation, please use our “Main Entrance” on the side of the building by Majestic Auto Sales.
We ask that you remain patient with our staff as we return to normal under our current challenges and mandated restrictions.
Please call in advance for your reservation.